Monday, December 5, 2011


I'm taking a break from studying for my finals to blog about Thanksgiving before I start my Christmas posts. Our Thanksgiving started with traditional Tuesday night Thanksgiving. We made a turkey breast, potatoes and gravy, stuffing stuffed acorn squash, and green beans and mushrooms. We had rolls and a nice bordeaux. This meal is almost exactly the same every year, we just change up the veggies. I love it. I love cooking the turkey. This year, everything was timed perfectly and all the food was ready and hot at the same time. It only took 3 years of practice!




On Thanksgiving day, we went to my parent's house early so that Joe could watch football. My mom cooked a huge turkey that got done a little sooner than expected. Ethan, Jessica, and James (who turned 2 on Thanksgiving) arrived and we sat down to a delicious feast of traditional food: turkey, potatoes and gravy, stuffing, candied yams, cranberry sauce, cheese stuffed celery, corn and warm rolls. We had E and J's famous bourbon pecan pies for dessert. After dinner, Joe and my dad watched some more football while my mom, David, and I looked through the Black Friday ads.

Around 9:00, Joe, David, and I left to stand in line at Old Navy: they were giving out a very limited number of waterproof digital cameras. We got in line at about 9:30 and waited outside in the cold until midnight, but we got 3 of the 40 cameras! We also picked up some pj pants, shirts, and David got a new coat. It was a really fun day.

Mom's table with the beautiful centerpiece that Joe's family sent





James blowing out his birthday candle

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