I signed up for four online classes which proved to be really challenging and busy. But, I also filled the summer with almost daily activities.
We grilled and ate outside a lot. We planted a pretty successful veggie garden this year so it was fun to have our own veggies at dinner.

June was a busy month with swim days, our anniversary weekend, dad's b-day, father's day, and a visit from Judy. We hosted a summer luau/ dad's birthday dinner when Judy was in town.

In July, we made it to the farmhouse with everyone. We had a super yummy Dutch Oven dinner that my brother made. Baby James was always so busy running around and being cute. We found some pretty flowers covered in bees. It was also the month for fireworks and tank battles.

This summer also had a couple of fishing trips. One Saturday, David, Joe, and I headed up to a reservoir about an hour away. The fish were all teases. They would eat the worms, but avoid getting hooked (which is ok with me!) We also took that wonderful last minute camping/fishing trip to Flaming Gorge.

One evening we headed up Millcreek Canyon for one of our favorite activities. We picked up some fried chicken and sides and s'more ingredients and had a picnic in the mountains. It had rained that day and was a little chilly, but I loved it anyway.

Right before leaving for France, my whole family got together to celebrate our "Christmas dinner." My Grandparents give our family a nice dinner for Christmas every year, but we often don't go until later. This year we went to Franck's. a French fusion restaurant that was really good!

We spent several afternoons at the pool and several days at Lagoon. We went to the zoo and the aquarium and the BYU art museum. And then we went to France! It was one of the busiest summers ever and I loved it.