The number one top item on my non-essential bucket list was always to be involved in the birthing of kittens. I never thought it would happen because with the kitten overpopulation issue, it is much more responsible to get your cats fixed before they can kitten it up. So, when I heard about Sweetie and her kittens, I got really excited. This cat was going to have kittens and I was going to see them.
On March 21st at about 10:30 pm, I got a phone call. Sometime that evening, Sweetie had crawled into her box and given birth to 5 kittens. I was sad that I wasn't going to see them on their birthday, so we decided to go over to see them even though it was so late. Right as we got there, Sweetie had one more kitten (6 in total. Twice what we had expected). We watched her cut the umbilical cord. All of the babies were tiny and white and soggy and hungry. I got a few pictures, but they are all pretty dark because I didn't want to use flash.

Kittens at a few hours/minutes old.
We went back the next day to help my mom change out the bedding in the box. The idea was that Joe would hold 3 and I would hold 3 while my mom changed the blanket. Well, momma kitty didn't like this idea. As soon as I picked up the first kitten, it started to cry. Sweetie came right over to me, picked up the kitten by its scruff, and took it back into the box. It was so cute. After that, Joe had to pick them up quickly and held 1 while I had the other 5 in my lap, and the box got cleaned. Sweetie is such a good mom. The babies are all healthy and white and fluffy. They will need mom for several weeks.