Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Tree!

My very favorite part of preparing for Christmas is buying the Christmas tree. On Saturday night, after my mom's wonderful St. Nicholas Tea, Joe and I went to our favorite Christmas tree lot. I love wandering through the trees. They smell so good and it's like being in a forest, only you get to take a tree home with you! We spent a good 20 minutes looking at each tree and picking a few favorites. It was hard to choose, they had so many pretty trees.

There was one tree tucked away in a dark corner that we felt drawn to so Joe picked it up and brought it out to where we could see it better. We narrowed it down to that tree and one other and we both decided on the tree that we had gotten out. It is a Noble Fir and it smells so good!

We were going to wait and decorate it on Sunday, but right when we got home, Joe put the lights on and then we had to put the ornaments on. We put Christmas music on the radio, lit a fire, and had some wine. It was so nice and we have a beautiful Christmas tree!

Poor tree




This is June's first Christmas tree and she loves it! She hasn't climbed it, but she loves to play under it.

Merry Christmas!

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