Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter!

At Joe's work, he was able to get "sneak peek" Harry Potter movie tickets for 8:45 the night before it actually came out. It was especially awesome because the theater was the IMAX theater at the planetarium. We left early to have dinner at Gateway and wander around a little. About an hour before the movie, we headed to the planetarium and got in line for our seat assignments. While we were waiting, they had a cool show about the planets. We walked through the planetarium where they had people doing presentations and got our snacks and found our seats. I love that theater because the 3D looks so good. We both really liked the movie (I had one major complaint). And the best thing was that we were home before 11:30! (If we hadn't gotten these tickets, I would have dragged Joe to the midnight show). It was a really fun night.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Graduation trip

Cruise Countdown Tickers

Yep! Joe and I have decided to take a cruise to celebrate our graduations in May! I will have a BS in Human Development and Family studies. Joe will have his law degree. We are planning to drive to LA for a Mexican Riviera cruise. I can't wait!