Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Zoorassic Park

Sunday was the 3 year anniversary of the day Joe and I had our first date. I wanted to do something fun because it was the weekend so I suggested going to the zoo. The Hogle Zoo is having a special Zoorassic Park event with animatronic dinosaurs located all around the zoo. The zoo seemed like a perfect activity because on our first date, Joe asked me, "If you could go anywhere on our second date, where would it be?" and I answered, "The zoo!" I thought it would be fun to walk around holding hands and looking at the animals. We did go to the zoo, but I don't think it was until our fourth date.

Sunday morning was rainy and grey, but we decided to grab an umbrella and go anyway. I thought on a rainy Sunday we might have the zoo all to ourselves, but it was packed! I think people were excited about the dinosaurs.

The dinosaurs, by the way, are fantastic! They move their heads and eyes and make great noises. A couple (I won't say which ;)) even "spit" at you. I was not expecting that and got my pants soaked!

The sun came out in the afternoon and the weather ended up being perfect. The dinosaurs are going to be there until sometime in August. Go see them!


Fighting off a dino!

T Rex




The real animals were wonderful too

We were there at eagle feeding time. They got fish for dinner.



This pretty kitty was right by the glass
